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Inventory Pages


This page describes logic for managing public Website Inventory pages.

When Community, Community Plan or Spec becomes inactive, it also becomes not available for customers.
Corresponding Website Page should become unavailable for users as well.

It is possible for Community, Community Plan or Spec, to become available again.

Inventory Item Created

When Brand new Community, Community Floor Plan or Spec home created for the first time, corresponding website page also must be created.
Inventory must be grouped in CMS following this structure:

Region Page:
--- Community Page
------ Floor Plan Page
------ Spec Home Page

Inventory Item Deleted

When Community, or Community Floor Plan or Spec home is completely Deleted or Archived -> also delete the corresponding website page.

Inventory Item becomes Inactive

When Community, or Community Floor Plan or Spec home marked as Inactive -> Unpublish page (but don’t delete).

Inventory Item becomes Active again

When previously Inactivated Community, or Community Floor Plan or Spec home again marked as Active, also pusblih (previously unpublished) page.

Redirects Mapping

When Community, or Community Floor Plan or Spec home Page becomes unpublished or deleted, automatically create redirect to the parent page:

  • Spec or Plan - redirect to Community page.
  • Community - redirect to Division/Region page

If Inactive Community, or Community Floor Plan or Spec home becomes Active again:

  • Change Page from “Unpublished” to “Published”
  • Delete redirect of the Page, to allow users to visit.