Feeds Usage Description
Brightland Homes has inventory data synced with 3rd party Home Builder Partners.
Each partner's feed is custom built because of different field mapping requrements.
Feed section of the CMS allows User to change which communities can be used in which feed.
User doesn't have an option to create feed from UI, because each feed has different format, location or field mapping requirements.
Each feed must be custom-built.
Types of data feeds:
- XML file
- JSON File
- JSON API Response
For example: Return JSON object with all communities on API request to: ".com/api/getCommunities"
Feed implementations
Currently there are 3 Feed implementations we use:
XML and JSON files hosted on Brightland Homes owned FTP or SFTP server
XML and JSON files on s3 bucket and available as a public link: Example: https://feeds.brightlandhomes.com/data/xml/TX_Feed
API which returns JSON on request
Feeds List Page Description
This page lists all custom built feeds (built on the backend).
Feeds Cards:
- Company Logo
- Feed (Company) name
- Edit Button
- Count of:
- Communities included in the feed
- Floor Plans included in the feed
- Spec Homes included in the feed
Current process:
All data is stored in BDX Live (current platform). On daily basis (we’d like to change to hourly basis), BDX creates XML file and saves on their FTP/SFTP server. Our partners have access to the FTP storage to get the file.
Example of the file: https://feeds.brightlandhomes.com/data/xml/UnmodifiedCombinedFeed
Second option: Some partners need the same XML feed but as a public link. We have a logic to create XML file and store it in S3 bucket and available by link. Additionally, there’s a feed break down into multiple, because some of our partners only need data from certain states or divisions.
Examples: https://feeds.brightlandhomes.com/data/xml/CombinedFeed https://feeds.brightlandhomes.com/data/xml/TX_Feed