Fixed, pre-built block pulling info from Community/Plan/Spec home from database
- If 1 image - static image.
- If more than 1 image, show arrows, play button and slideshow set to 6 seconds.
Info Block
- All info pulled directly from DB
- Address field acts as a link to Google Maps (if possible, Google Maps business entity)
- Logo is dynamic depending on the brand
Info Block CTA
Info block may have several CTAs:
- Display "Contact Us" CTA modal.
- Display "Schedule a Visit" CTA if Item has "Meeting Link".
- [Floor Plan] Display "Photo Gallery" CTA if Plan has "Floor Plan Gallery" linked. Opens gallery modal.
- [Spec] - Vitrual Tour, if spec home has virtual tour added.
Community Example
- Desktop
- Tablet
- Mobile
Plan / Specs Example
Same layout and styling but based on Plan/Spec data.
- Plan
- Spec