Contains heading in this format: "[Community Name] Quick Move-in Homes"
Subheading contains available spec homes count:
"For a Faster Move, Choose from 16 Quick Move-in Homes"
- Price Sheet button downloads a list of currently selected spec homes. Described HERE.
- Sort By. Sorting dropdown. As Described HERE except this one doesn't have City and Community sort options.
- Filters Button. Described HERE
Shifs cards block on click.
Filter has these options:
- Beds
- Baths
- Garages
- Story
- Square Footage
- Price Range
- Search button (to apply filters)
- Subheading shows count of currently visible items
- Shows up to 8 items by default.
- If more than 8, shows pagination. "View More" buttons rolls additional results.
Card Styling
- Desktop
- Tablet
- Mobile